Inspection of the affected ear

Diary | August 22, 2023

You already know I was at the check-up yesterday!

You already know I was at the check-up yesterday! That I pretended to be a bee before the veterinary check-up and swept up all the pollen I could find on the meadow, I would like to mention that again here. The traitor is still sneezing today and I’m especially proud of that. What I’m a lot less proud of is Hydra’s sadness about yesterday’s vet check. After a week of pumping a nasty antibiotic slurry into my poor ear, the doctor found that the inflammation had subsided. The ear is no longer inflamed, it doesn’t hurt, no more oozes have appeared and overall the ear looked very good.

Until Hydra ratted out that she felt that there was still a sort of puddle at the very bottom of my ear, and that she felt I was trying to shake the water out every now and then.


The doctor stuck the ear speculum even deeper into my ear and confirmed Hydra’s claim. I have a really small puddle at the bottom of my ear and you can’t see my eardrum! Which means only one thing, either it’s not visible because of the puddle or it’s just not there (which I’m told is not that uncommon in bulldogs). And since I currently have a clean ear that could have acted in a cleaner commercial they failed to even collect any sample for testing.


Now we have a week to get some of that sample in my ear for lab analysis and possibly further address the water in the depths of my ear cavity. Hydra is as sad as ever and whimpers every now and then somewhere, the boy cheers her up and occasionally scolds her for crying out that she should be glad I’m not in pain. And me? I’m happy, since there will be no nasty ear cleanings this week, and as a bonus I can totally legally listen with only one ear.

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