A day like a mud

Diary | August 2, 2023

The day is like a picture, I'm lying on the balcony, enjoying the sun - at home like in paradise, Hydra is somewhere in the city, so the gentlemen's household is full of relaxation and then I hear the phone and it was clear that this relaxation is over. And it is!

The day is like a picture, I’m lying on the balcony, enjoying the sun – at home like in paradise, Hydra is somewhere in the city, so the gentlemen’s household is full of relaxation and then I hear the phone and it was clear that this relaxation is over. And it is!


A few minutes later, I was hanging on Traitor’s forearm in a half-sleep state and we were on our way to the car. The only thing that calmed my incipient rage was the fact that the boy had placed me in the perfectly comfortable passenger seat where Hydra normally sits. And we were going to pick her up – like a princess! I was all for ditching her and letting her take the tram, but the boy was probably worried that for the next few days we would have to eat the only recipe he had managed to learn in his miserable life – scrambled eggs, which is a problem when you know there are no eggs in the fridge!

So we went to get her so she wouldn’t die in the public trafic with no air conditioning.

Not wanting her to find out that the boy and I hadn’t completed the only task we were given, which was to “walk me out,” the boy pulled up to a construction site and sent me out of the car like a sheep to pasture with the command “pee or we’re dead.” I, poor frazzled wretch that I am, wanted to preserve at least a little four-legged dignity and dragged myself to the only green patch of land for miles around where I intended to perform all my needs at once to get it over with as quickly as possible. Unfortunately for me, the green patch was slightly uphill, which combined with my wobbly legs and only having three of them, since – peeing, was a downright tortuous combination. Well I stumbled and flopped sideways with myself into the muddy puddle they had created there when they washed the muddy car tracks off the road. The boy went straight there to fish me out like a carp from a drained pond. “Geez, you’re a real piece of work, I don’t believe it,” the boy barked as he tried to wipe me with paper tissues, which made miniature paper lumps all over my fur, to no avail.


And since we didn’t have a towel in the car, which the girl had already reminded the boy 30 times to put there, and it was very clear to him that Hydra would remind him right away when he saw my brown mud mask. So the boy jokingly put on a sweatshirt he found behind the back seat, saying it was a win-win situation, I wouldn’t mess up the seat and Hydra wouldn’t see the horror at first sight. Satisfied with himself and his creativity, the boy put me back in the car and off we went.


Anyway, we arrived late and when the girl got into the car and saw this expression of mine, which clearly showed my dissatisfaction, the boy got a scolding on the spot for not taking my cleaned bedding into the car, which the girl had left to dry in the dryer, and that I didn’t even have a car belt. “There you have it, Traitor,” I thought to myself, huffing even more angrily and making a tortured face to show how much I was suffering and also to earn the position of “poor bulldog” in time before the girl at home noticed why I was partying in a sweatshirt the whole trip.


Well, let me tell you that the day ended as relaxing as it started, me and Hydra were lying on the balcony and enjoying the sun. And the boy was vacuuming muddy scales all over the hallway and washing the tub full of mud.

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